6 Giles Court, Christie Downs SA 5164

*SOLD* Huge Block for a small price!
This modest 3 bedroom home is situated on a massive 845m2 approx. allotment. Future development would allow 2x Torrens Title split down the middle or 3x Community Title with common driveway on one side STCC. Features include built in robe, ceiling fan and air conditioning to master bedroom, reverse cycle air conditioning and polished timber flooring throughout.
There is a large pergola at the rear for entertaining with big green lawns and a fully fenced block to keep the kids & pets safe in their own yard. The property is convenient to the train, bus, shops and schools. Families will appreciate the quiet safe cul-de-sac location and the highly affordable price. Tenanted until 15/11/2020. Inspections are by appointment.
Call Kevin J Barry on 8382-3773
Property ID: 1130047
Contact Agents

Christies Beach RLA 266739
71 Beach Road, Christies Beach SA 5165 | Phone 08 8382 3773