22 Mansfield Street, Noarlunga Downs SA 5168
This is the site for you dream home!
Situated on the high side of the road with potential to capture expansive views across the Onkaparinga Estuary and the coast beyond, this fully fenced 385M2 allotment has a 12.5 meter frontage and is surrounded by well established quality homes. Handy to the Colonnades retail shopping precinct and all facilities including the Noarlunga Railway terminal, Wallis cinema, Noarlunga Hospital, southern expressway, a variety of schools and colleges, with the Port Noarlunga & Christies Beach waterfront and various cafe’s, hotels and restaurants only minutes away.
With no time limit to build and your choice of builder. Great opportunity for buyers who qualify for generous government grants to get into the market.
Details Kevin J Barry 8382 3773.
Property ID: 1134295
Contact Agents

Christies Beach RLA 266739
71 Beach Road, Christies Beach SA 5165 | Phone 08 8382 3773